
The Protontype API contains ExpressRouter class to be routers base.

Creating a Router

To create a router class must to extend ExpressRouter class

import { ExpressRouter } from 'protontype';

export class TasksRouter extends ExpressRouter {

To configure a Router class must use the @RouterClass() decorator

import { ExpressRouter, RouterClass } from 'protontype';

    baseUrl: "/tasks",
    middlewares: [ new MyMiddleware(), new OtherMiddleware() ]
export class TasksRouter extends ExpressRouter {

A Router class can contains multiple Router Functions. To define and configure a router function must use the @Route() decorator. A Router Function have as parameter a object of type RouterFunctionParams.

import { ExpressRouter, RouterFunctionParams, Method, Route } from 'protontype';

    baseUrl: "/tasks",
    middlewares: [ new MyMiddleware(), new OtherMiddleware() ]
export class TasksRouter extends ExpressRouter {

        endpoint: '/',
        method: Method.GET
    listTasks(params: RouterFunctionParams) {
        params.res.send({id: 1, title: 'Task test'});


Used to define a class tha contains routes. All classes of type ExpressRouter supports this decorator.

    baseUrl: "/tasks",
    middlewares: [ new MyRouterMiddleware(), new OtherRouterMiddleware() ]


  • baseUrl: Base Url of the router. All routes will be creates of pattern: baseUrl + endpoint
  • middlewares: Middlewares that will act for all routes in router.


Used to define and configure a routes into a router

    endpoint: '/list',
    method: Method.GET,
    middlewares: [ new MyRouteMiddleware(), new OtherRouteMiddleware() ]


  • endpoint: Defines the routes's endpoint. The url of this route will be formed by baseUrl (defined in @RouterClass) + endpoint. Example: http://locathost/tasks/list
  • method: HTTP Verbs. GET, POST, DELETE...
  • middlewares: Middlewares that will act only for this specific route.

It's also possible use the @Route() decotator without parameters, this way the router function must create the routes using the ExpressJS Router directly.

    public rootRoute(): void {
        this.router.get("", (req, res) =>
            res.sendFile('routes.html', { "root": "./src/views" })


All Router Function must have a object of type RouterFunctionParams as parameter

    endpoint: '/',
    method: Method.GET
listTasks(params: RouterFunctionParams) {


  • req: Object that contains the HTTP request. Matches to Express request object.
  • res: Object used to send the HPPT response. Matches to Express response object.
  • app: Protontype application instance. Through it you can access the aplication properties.